2022-23 Strategic Plan Update (April 11, 2023)
The Crete-Monee School District 201-U Dashboard allows users to view District data and information
connected to the District’s Strategic Plan. The Dashboard contains three different pages:
Home Page
The Home Page lists the Motto, our ten Core Values, our six Vision Statements, and the Mission
Statement. These are arranged in a circular display with Core Values on the outside, Vision Statements
in the middle, and the Mission Statement at the center.
Indicators Page
The Indicators Page shows data and information connected to the Crete-Monee School District 201-U
Strategic Plan. The data and information is displayed in tiles that are arranged under each of the six
Strategic Plan goals. Each goal and the corresponding tiles are color-coded. The data and information in
the tiles will be updated as often as necessary to show our progress toward achieving our goals.
Strategy Page
The Strategy Page is used to monitor progress on our Strategic Plan goals and accompanying strategies.
Again, the goals and strategies are color-coded. All goals have strategies and each strategy has
additional strategies or action items listed. All goals and strategies have a completion percentage. As
work progresses, the District has the ability to change the percentages to reflect progress toward
achieving 100% completion.