Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a proactive, comprehensive approach to providing targeted assistance to students who require additional support in instruction and intervention in a timely manner. MTSS addresses students’ diverse needs while providing essential support to educators. This system is designed to identify struggling students early, offer timely interventions, and encompass various aspects of a child’s development. These areas include academics, behavior, social and emotional needs, and absenteeism.

MTSS is based on these guiding principles:

  • Implementation of high-quality, research-based instruction.
  • Universal screening to identify a need for additional support.
  • Collaborative, team-based approach to development, implementation, and evaluation of interventions.
  • Increasingly intense, multi-tiered application of high-quality, evidence-based instruction matched to individual needs.
  • Continuous monitoring of progress to determine the impact of interventions.
  • Expectations for parent involvement throughout the process.

MTSS includes both academics (Response to Intervention/Instruction or RtI) and behavior (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports or PBIS). The framework is designed as a three-tiered model typically represented as a triangle or pyramid.

MTSS Pyramid


At Tier I, ALL students receive core curriculum and instruction. At Tier 2, SOME students receive targeted support or enrichment. At Tier 3, a FEW students receive intensive support or acceleration.

In the MTSS process, the teacher is the first to implement strategies. If more support is needed, school teams meet to present and discuss the student’s school performance. The building team typically comprises the classroom teacher(s), building administrators, instructional specialists, and other support personnel. The team identifies additional interventions that match the student’s needs using all available data. The team meets regularly to review student progress and determine the effectiveness of interventions.

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