>In accordance with the Illinois State Board of Education, District 201-U has adopted the following guidelines for the administration of medication at school.
- Only medication prescribed by a physician will be given during school hours.
- A written authorization (Medication Authorization Form) from the parent or guardian of the student is to be provided to the school before the medication will be administered.
- Written orders (Medication Authorization Form) are to be provided to the school from a physician stating the name of the drug, dosage, time interval in which medication is to be taken, reason for administration of medication and an emergency number where he can be reached.
- The Medication Authorization Form must be kept in the health office. Once the Medication Authorization Form is completed, the MAF should be placed in the student’s temporary file. Routine medications must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
- Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by a pharmacist or physician and must include: child’s name, name of medication, time interval to be given, and date.
- The Health Coordinator should be notified by the school personnel when a student requires medication at school. When possible, the Health Coordinator will administer the initial dose and subsequent medication will be administered by designated school personnel with the consent of the parents or guardians.
- Each time a medication is administered; the Medication record (on the MAF) should be filled out and signed by the person administering the medication.
- The school district retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medication.
- Medication brought to school without a signed Medication Authorization Form will not be given. The Health Coordinator will be notified and will try to reach parents and physician to obtain the required authorizations.
Medication Authorization Form (MAF)