District updates Cell Phone Policy to help decrease digital distraction

District updates Cell Phone Policy to help decrease digital distraction
Posted on 07/02/2018
District Updates Cell Phone Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
New District Cell Phone Policy

1. What is the new Cell Phone Policy?

7:193 Electronic Signaling and Cellular Communication Devices - Crete-Monee School District understands the implementation of technology in schools, such as cell phones, can be used as learning tools. However, it is a challenge to make sure students are using them for school-related tasks. A cell phone can easily turn from “classroom learning tool” into “classroom disruption” such as texting, cheating, cyberbullying, disconnection from real-world activities, etc. Students are permitted to possess cellular radio-communication devices, In-Ear Monitor (IEM) devices, Intra Concha devices and/or any other electronic device capable of receiving or sending telephonic messages, electronic messages or text messages while on school property and during school-sponsored functions.

Students are not permitted to use any devices defined in this policy during student attendance days during those periods of time when classes are in session (start of school to the end of school) unless there is a crisis situation within the school which requires communication to obtain emergency services.

Under no circumstances shall a student use or permit a device defined in this policy to be operated in a manner which disrupts the educational process or causes disruption on school grounds or during any school-sponsored functions. This includes, but is not limited to, the wearing of In-Ear-Monitor(IEM)/Intra-Concha devices, behind-the-neck device, over-the-ear device, on-the-ear device, wireless/cordless devices, clip-on devices, devices used to sync by Bluetooth, recording others without their permission, the ringing of a telephone, or any other audible alerts emitted from the device.

No staff member, Building Administration, Central Office Administration, and/or Board of Education Member will be responsible for Electronic Signaling and Cellular Communication Devices that are lost, stolen, and/or left unattended.

2. Why is there a need for this policy update?
The district and Board of Education recognized that this policy change was necessary to maintain a safe school environment free from distractions that impede instruction and disrupt climate.

3. Where can I read the cell phone policy in its entirety?
To view Board Policy 7:193 you may visit the board policy section under the Board of Education tab on our district website (www.cm201u.org). View the Board Policy Manual

4. What if I need to reach my child during the day?
Parents who wish to contact their child during the school day may call the Main Office of their child’s school and leave a message with the office staff.

5. May my child use their cell phone in case of an emergency?
Yes, students may only use cell phones during the school day in the event of a crisis situation to obtain emergency services.

6. Can students use their cell phones at school-sponsored events outside of the school day (i.e., after school, weekends, etc.)?
Yes. However, please keep in mind that according to policy 7:193, students must use all devices appropriately.

7. Can students use their cell phones at school-sponsored events during the school day (i.e., pizza party, assemblies, field trips, etc.)?

Yes. However, please keep in mind that according to policy 7:193, students must use all devices appropriately.

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