CM 201-U Hosts Illinois Association of School Boards Three Rivers Division Meeting
On October 25, 2023, Crete-Monee School District 201-U hosted the Illinois Association of School Boards Three Rivers Division Meeting at Crete-Monee High School. This meeting included school board members and IASB division and officer leaders from Kankakee, Will, Grundy, and Kendall counties in Illinois.
Featured presentations included CM 201-U Board Vice President, Dr. Todd C. Hall, who spoke about alternatives to discipline through an equity lens; Superintendent Janiece Jackson and Assistant Superintendent Emily Betz from Lindop School District 92 spoke about equity in teacher preparation; and Tom Reedy from Stifel Public Finance discussed Illinois K-12 Health and Safety Bonds.
The evening meeting included dinner, networking, and a range of report presentations from IASB division and officer leaders as well as school district administrators. The Illinois Association of School Boards presented board leader recognition awards for established, distinguished, and legacy annual merits to individuals, and school board governance recognition awards to six school districts.
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