The District Safety Team is comprised of administration, staff, board, and local law enforcement. The group plays a significant role in the district’s approach to safety preparedness including activities associated with Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery -- all of which encompass school safety activities before, during, and after an incident. The team met at District Office to discuss a live active shooter drill -- the first of three Tabletop Exercises planned for the year. The additional exercises will focus on weather-related events and a possible train derailment. "The Office of District Affairs has made great progress in developing Safety Teams in each of the district's schools," said Dr. Rochelle Clark, Asst. Superintendent of District Affairs. "While we have much work to do, we feel very positive about building teams that will train, learn, and develop systems together that help us prepare our schools for all potential threats," she added. PICTURED L-R: Greg Schneider, CMMS Asst. Principal; Officer Walz, CMHS SRO; Officer Taylor, Crete Police; Lisa Haley-Miller, CMHS Asst. Principal; Terri Tobin, Executive Asst. to Superintendent; Ghantel Perkins, Director of Teaching and Learning; Kathleen Lynch-Hale, Health Services Coordinator; Keith McLean, Director of Buildings and Grounds; Jeanine Galbraith, Board Member; Chief Scott Pieritz, Crete Police; Dr. Rochelle Clark, Asst. Supt. of District Affairs; David Hall, CMHS Dean; Sgt. Adam Groszek, Crete Police, and Vicente Castillo, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor.