Future Forward Strategic Plan Approved

Future Forward 4-Year Strategic Plan Approved
Posted on 08/14/2019
CM201-U Board of Education and various members of the Strategic Planning Committee


Crete-Monee School District 201-U Board of Education unanimously approves 4-Year Strategic Plan proposal at August 13, 2019 Special Board Meeting

On August 13, 2019, the Crete-Monee School District 201-U Board of Education voted to approve the district’s strategic plan for the 2019-23 school years. The plan development process began this spring and included a committee of over 70 community members, staff, students, and village officials. Facilitated by the Consortium for Educational Change (CEC), the process began with a district-wide survey of internal and external stakeholders, several planning workshops that focused on creation of a new district mission, vision, and core value statement. Some members of the committee were on hand to share their positive impressions of the process. “I had a great experience on the committee,” said Monee pastor Rev. Dr. James Hunt. “There were a lot of challenges but it was exciting because we challenged each other. We didn’t come to agreement on all things but reached a better understanding of one another, for a common purpose,” he added. The plan, entitled Future Forward 2019-2023, outlines six goals and strategies to help students prepare for the future. There is also a strong focus on building a diverse school culture, inclusion, equity, and respect. “This plan is a dynamic, active document that will guide decision-making at both the school and district levels,” said CM 201-U Superintendent Dr. Kara Coglianese. To learn more about the strategic plan, visit our Strategic Planning page.

View the Strategic Planning Presentation

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