Tech Respect

Tech Respect: Responsibility Starts With "U"

Crete-Monee School District 201-U is reaching out with an important update about our Chromebook program, which has made us so proud by providing each student with a 1:1 Chromebook, making digital learning accessible for all. It's thanks to your commitment and support that we've been able to create an engaging and effective digital learning platform.

We have upcoming changes for the 23-24 school year. Regrettably, we must discontinue our Chromebook loaner program due to high maintenance costs, which have been running at $85,000 per year. This program was initially intended as a backup for students who temporarily forgot their devices.

Please help us emphasize the importance of caring for the devices they are provided with and remembering to bring them to class daily during the new school year. The Office of Teaching and Learning will review our procedures on device usage for our younger students. We want to ensure appropriate time is spent on classroom devices that are developmentally appropriate without overuse.

Our Business Office would like to remind families that a replacement charge of $350.00 will be charged if a Chromebook is lost, stolen, or significantly damaged. Please be aware that any unpaid charges may eventually need to be addressed through collection agencies. This charge is less than the district’s actual replacement cost. Please use the additional links on this page to review the Access to Electronic Networks Policy 6:235. We truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation on this matter.

Students who come to school without their devices will not have access to digital learning materials. Repeated non-compliance could impact a student. These changes will foster a stronger sense of responsibility in our students. We thank you in advance and are grateful for your understanding and support as we prepare for this transition.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional clarification.

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