Teaching & Learning

Ghantel Perkins

Ghantel Perkins
Assistant Superintendent
of Teaching & Learning

Phone: 708-367-8340
Email: [email protected]

Mission Statement

The Office of Teaching & Learning (OTL) is committed to coordinating the written, taught, and tested curriculum to ensure that each student reaches his or her full academic and personal potential.

Department Overview
The curriculum of District 201-U is defined as the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the processes to be taught and learned at each grade level or within each course of study within our schools. The word curriculum refers to the academic objectives that are taught, written, and tested.

The Guiding Principles of Our Curriculum Program

  • To have a curriculum that provides balance. A balanced core of learning programs includes both foundation and enrichment programs that challenges students at all levels and provides experiences that have relevance to the world they live in.
  • To have a curriculum program that focuses on results and accountability, including multiple types of assessments that measure the learning and progress of students.
  • To have a curriculum that makes clear connections among and between disciplines to students.
  • A curriculum that promotes active learning which requires participation in engaging tasks and the construction of creative products.
  • A curriculum that seeks, recognizes, honors, and explores persity within the written and taught curriculum.
  • A curriculum that provides access to substantive learning for every student.
  • A curriculum that provides challenges and rigor for each student by promoting thinking skills such as researching, analyzing, creating, communicating, and evaluating information.
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