
Parents/guardians have primary responsibility for administering medication to their children.

The district discourages dispensing medication to students during regular school hours and during school-related activities unless it is critical to the well-being of the students. Administering medication in school is subject to regulations and guidelines established by the Board of Education in accordance with the School Code of Illinois.

Before a student may receive, possess, or consume prescription or nonprescription medication, the student’s parents/guardians and physician must complete a Medication Authorization Form and have it on file in the health office at the child’s school. The form shall specify the appropriate dosage and times when the medication must be administered.

The following regulations and guidelines are to be followed:

  • Written orders must be obtained from a physician. The order must include date, name of medication, dosage, time of day, and circumstances under which medication should be given. Any reactions that may result from taking the medication should also be included.
  • The parent/guardian must request in writing that the school comply with the physician’s order. The request must be renewed each year.
  • Any changes in the original physician’s order must be provided to the school in writing by the physician.
  • Medication must be in a container appropriately labeled by a pharmacist or physician and will be kept in a locked cabinet. Medications requiring refrigeration also will be kept in a secure location.
  • The only employees required to administer medication are administrators, certified school nurses, the school’s registered nurse, school's licensed practical nurse, or other employees who have been in service.
  • A record shall be kept of all medications dispensed to students, specifying when they were given and who supervised.
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