Health Forms

Physical Examination Requirements: If your child is new to the district or will be entering one of the following grades – Pre-K (for the first time), Kindergarten, 6th or 9th grade during the upcoming school year, the Illinois State Law requires the following:

  1. A recent Physical Examination (within 12 months).

  2. All 6-12th grade students are REQUIRED to provide proof of receipt of one dose of Tdap vaccination regardless of the interval since the last dose.

  3. All other required immunizations and current booster immunizations against measles, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, mumps, hepatitis B, chickenpox, and meningitis need to be documented by your health care provider and recorded on your child’s Health Certificate under the immunization section. This form is to be signed by your health care provider (doctor or clinic) verifying all immunizations and turned into the school health office as well.

  4. The student’s height, weight and blood pressure must be entered on the “Certificate of Child Health Examination”.

  5. The “Diabetic Screening” portion must be completed by your physician.

  6. PARENT MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN the health history section of the “Certificate of Child Health Examination”.

  7. “Lead Risk Questionnaire” must be completed for children age six years or younger.

A Certificate of Child Health Examination (Certificate of Child Health Examination - Spanish) is to be completed by your family physician. Appointments can be made in the spring for the physical examinations since doctors’ offices are very busy in August and may not have openings for physicals. Illinois State Law requires that this must be on file at your child’s school BEFORE your child may start school. If your child has not fulfilled their health requirements prior to the time of registration, you are required to show proof of appointment (taking place prior to the first day of school).

The immunization requirement schedule can be downloaded by clicking on the link on the side of this page. You may contact the Will County Health Department at (815) 727-8670 regarding their immunization clinics.

Dental Health Requirements: All students entering Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th, and 9th grades are required by Illinois State Law to have a dental examination. The dental form to be completed by your dentist prior to your child entering school in the fall is available at your child’s school or can be downloaded here. (Dental Form - Spanish)

Kindergarten Vision Requirements: A vision examination is required for all students entering Kindergarten as well as all students enrolling in an Illinois public school for the first time. Vision forms to be completed by an eye doctor prior to your child entering Kindergarten are available at your child’s school or can be downloaded here. (Vision Form - Spanish)

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