Early this fall, the District shared with you our intention to conduct independent water testing for lead in all schools. This proactive measure ensured a thorough process and applied focused attention on gaining a greater understanding of the concerns regarding water quality. From September through October, the District hired independent water management company PDC Laboratories, Inc. to visit each of the district's nine schools to test and analyze the water quality.
We have received the Test Results and, as promised, are sharing them with you. As an essential part of updating our Water Quality Mitigation Plan the District's Buildings & Grounds team, in cooperation with expert agencies, has reviewed this new data and set the following "Priority Mitigation Actions" which also includes plans of action by fixture to ensure a timeline for subsequent action (Click to view Water Mitigation & Response Plan):
Priority 1 - Points of Consumption (Drinking Fountains, Food Service and Staff Lounge cooking sinks, nurses sinks)
Priority 2 - Sinks (Other K-5 schools, Art Room, Kitchen cleansing sinks, Staff Lounge other than Point of Consumption filters)
Priority 3 - Remaining Sinks (Non-K-5 hand sink, science labs)
Based on the analysis provided, the district will maintain it's 6-Point Plan in all schools (except for the handwashing stations which are no longer necessary). In addition, the District is currently seeking to ascertain funding via a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) called the School Maintenance Project Grant (SMPG). The grant is a dollar for dollar state matching grant program that provides awards up to $50,000 to grantees exclusively for the maintenance or upkeep of buildings or structures. According to the grant summary, there is approximately $44 million available for FY 2020. The District hopes to utilize the matching funds grant to replace drinking fountains in all CM 201-U schools beginning in Summer 2020.
We will continue to keep you updated. Thank you for your continued support of our efforts to maintain a healthy and safe environment for our students, staff, and families.
Click below to view your school's Water Quality Testing Results;
Crete-Monee School District 201- U is committed to protecting student, teacher and staff health. High levels of lead in drinking water can cause health problems, however, lead cannot be absorbed through the skin. To protect our students and staff, and in accordance with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), we recently tested our schools' drinking water for lead. The Lead in Drinking Water Testing Bill (LDWTB) requires elementary school buildings constructed prior to January 1, 2000, serving 5th grade and below to test the following sources:
- Drinking fountain and drinking sources in buildings
- Classroom sinks in classrooms under 1st grade (kindergarten and Pre-K)
Although there is no safe level of lead in drinking water, the IDPH requires that if lead is found at levels above 20.0 parts per billion (ppb) a Mitigation Plan is enacted.
We are encouraged that in analyzing the data, we have identified the sources and created a solid Mitigation Plan to provide safe, clean drinking water in our schools.
View the District’s Water Quality Mitigation Plan below:
2017-18 Water Quality Mitigation Plan
- Classroom sinks that exceed 5 parts per billion (ppb) will be taken out of service and will be labeled “Out of Service, Do Not Use.”
- Water fountains that exceed 5 parts per billion (ppb) will be taken out of service and labeled “Out of Service, Do Not Use” and replaced with free-standing water coolers.
- The district will enhance its Water Quality Management Plan as follows:
- Evaluate if classroom sinks are needed
- Flush the system after long periods of infrequent use
- Perform annual testing for lead in all district schools
- Purchased lead meter for in-house monitoring